uneven cooling is uncomfortable

4 Tips for Dealing With Uneven Cooling in Your Home in Chapel Hill, NC

May 26, 2022

Uneven cooling in your home in Chapel Hill, NC, can be frustrating and downright uncomfortable. The experience feels even worse if you don’t know how to deal with it. Here are four tips to help you even out the temperature in your home.

1. Check Your Insulation

One of the main causes of uneven cooling in your home is poor insulation. If your home isn’t well-insulated, heat or cool air will be able to enter and escape easily, resulting in an uneven temperature.

2. Use Curtains or Blinds

Another simple way to deal with uneven cooling is to use curtains or blinds. If you have a room that gets a lot of sunlight, consider using heavy curtains or blackout blinds. This will help to keep the room cooler and make it more comfortable.

3. Use Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans are a great way to evenly distribute cool air throughout your home. If you have a room that’s cooler than others, use a ceiling fan to help circulate the air and even out the temperature.

4. Move Furniture

Furniture can sometimes block vents and prevent air from flowing properly. If you find that any piece of furniture is blocking vents, try moving it to a different location. This’ll help to improve airflow and make the room more comfortable.

If you’re having trouble with uneven cooling in your home, contact us at Lee Air Conditioning today. We’ll help you find the root cause of the problem and recommend the best solution for your needs. We also provide other services, including AC installation, repairs, and maintenance.

Image provided by iStock

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