Ac And Heat Pump System

4 Heat Pump Noises Durham, NC Residents Can’t Ignore

October 26, 2023

In summer, the heat pump in your Durham, NC home is functionally identical to an air conditioner, and in winter, it works in reverse. Although heat pumps generally offer very quiet operation, they can make several jarring sounds when mechanical or functional problems arise. The following are four heat pump noises that you should never ignore.

1. Rumbling, Vibrating Sounds

The constant movement of heat pump fan motors produces a fair amount of vibration and low, humming or vibrating sounds. Fortunately, with proper heat pump installation services, it’s possible to mute them. However, if your heat pump suddenly starts rumbling, there could be problems with its indoor air handler or issues within its coolant pipe.

2. Rattling, Clanging or Banging Noises

Among the most common causes of rattling, clanging and banging sounds within heat pumps are loose components or components that have broken off entirely. The fix could be as simple as tightening a few loose bolts or screws, properly securing your heat pump’s cover panel or replacing parts that have come completely detached from their moorings. You can also sidestep issues like these by scheduling regular heat pump maintenance services.

3. Persistent Buzzing Sounds

Buzzing sounds could indicate problems along your heat pump’s electrical connections. They’re also sometimes a sign of issues within the heat pumps’ heating or cooling coils. For assured electrical safety, schedule professional HVAC repairs right away.

4. Hissing and Gurgling Noises

When refrigerant escapes a heat pump’s refrigerant lines, it’s gradually replaced by air. If you have a refrigerant leak, you may hear bubbling or gurgling sounds as this occurs. When heat pumps with leaky refrigerant lines start hissing, this is an indication of both compressor stress and potentially dangerous changes in compressor pressure.

We’ve been helping residents of Durham, NC maintain healthy, comfortable homes since 1951. If your heat pump is making loud or strange noises, contact Lee Air Conditioning and take advantage of our top-notch HVAC services today!

Image provided by iStock

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